Get in touch with us through the Consulate Generals and Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Beijing – Embassy of the Netherlands

E: [email protected]

Mr. Freek-Jan Frerichs
Counsellor for Innovation, Technology & Science
T: +86 10 8532 0255 | E: [email protected]

Ms. Maria Fleuren
Attaché for Innovation, Technology & Science
E: [email protected]

Ms. Ma Qing
Officer for Innovation, Technology & Science
T: +86 10 8532 0249 | E: [email protected]

Shanghai – Consulate General of the Netherlands

E: [email protected]

Mr. Jason Jin
Officer for Innovation, Technology & Science
E: [email protected]

Mr. Sjoerd Dikkerboom
Officer for Innovation, Technology & Science
T: +86 21 2208 7207 | E: [email protected]

Guangzhou – Consulate General of the Netherlands

E: [email protected]

Mr. Fons Klein Tuente
Officer for Innovation, Technology & Science
T: +86 20 3813 2228 | E: [email protected]

Ms. Wielande Li
Officer for Innovation, Technology & Science
T: +86 20 2020 8869 | E: [email protected]