The Netherlands signs Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology

Fons Klein TuenteAgri-food, Chemistry, Energy, Life Sciences & Health, Sino-Dutch collaboration, Water 1 Comment

On September 27, 2023, Ministers Robbert Dijkgraaf and Micky Adriaansens formalised a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, outlining a renewed framework for collaboration in Science, Technology, and Innovation. The agreement underscores the commitment of the Netherlands and China to fundamental values in their collaborative efforts. Addressing global challenges such as climate change, food …

#12 Researching Stem Cells and Women in Science

Fons Klein TuenteLife Sciences & Health, Podcast Leave a Comment

My guest today is Professor Gu Ying, she works at BGI in Shenzhen, China. She is Deputy Director at BGI-Research, China. She has a background in Oncology and Biotechnology and a PhD in Molecular and Developmental Biology.  In the second half of our episode, we have an open conversation about the position of women in academia in China, the opportunities …

Opportunities in China for Dutch Biopharmaceuticals

Fons Klein TuenteLife Sciences & Health, Sino-Dutch collaboration, Uncategorized, Webinars Leave a Comment

Rationale The Netherlands provides a supportive innovation policy and a dynamic eco-system for companies and research institutions. Companies, research institutes and science parks work closely together to provide innovative solutions in biopharmaceutical value chains. With its focus on efficient, sustainable, and clean production, the Dutch biopharma sector is an essential partner for China. In the search for solutions the Netherlands …

Made in China 2025

China’s KET development; how does it compare to the Netherlands?

Fons Klein TuenteAcademics, High Tech Systems and Materials, Life Sciences & Health Leave a Comment

How to deal with China on technologies where Europe has an edge has become an important facet to strategic engagement. This is especially true of key enabling technologies where China has proclaimed in its Made In China 2025 and Strategic Emerging Industry plans that it wants to be more self-sufficient. But how big is the perceived knowledge gap really? Within …

Nanomedicine as a Key Enabling Technology

Fons Klein TuenteLife Sciences & Health Leave a Comment

The 2018-2021 Knowledge and Innovation Agenda, presented by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy outlines societal challenges and Key Enabling Technologies. Societal challenges cover the scope of health, climate, energy, and agri-food. There are ten clusters of KETs in total, ranging from nanotechnologies, advanced materials, technologies in life sciences and quantum. Each cluster has specific technologies which can …

Demographic and healthcare vulnerabilities driving health tech developments

Fons Klein TuenteLife Sciences & Health Leave a Comment

If current trends continue, by 2029 China’s population will peak at 1.44 billion, with dramatically imbalanced ratios of young to old (4 grandparents, 2 parents, 1 child) putting unprecedented pressure on younger generations. This dependency ratio (non-working: working people) is set to increase from 42% to 67% by 2050, by when a quarter of the Chinese population (350 million) will …

China’s Vaccine Program and mRNA Technology

Fons Klein TuenteLife Sciences & Health Leave a Comment

Globally, a process of immunization has started. The first Covid-19 vaccines have been approved by national and regional medicinal drug supervisors such as the UK MHRA, US FDA, and the EU EMA (The Economist, 2020). The Netherlands does not have a big biotech/pharma company (anymore) and is therefore not a leading contender in vaccine production.  Traditionally, vaccines put (a part …

Interview with Wang Yiding

Fons Klein TuenteAcademics, Interviews, Life Sciences & Health Leave a Comment

by Claire Selbeck Mr Wang is an alumnus of two Dutch universities; Wageningen University and the Delft University of Technology. In the past, he has worked at Sinovac and he currently works at Pfizer, as the Senior Manager Vaccine GCMC China. In Beijing, the Innovation Network had the opportunity to meet with him and hear more about his studies in …

Cleveringa Lecture in Shanghai about the pharmaceutical industry

Fons Klein TuenteAcademics, Life Sciences & Health Leave a Comment

The Netherlands Innovation Network China organized their yearly Cleveringa Lecture at the residence of the Consulate-General in Shanghai. The lecture was given by Henk Jan Out, writer of the book ‘Long Live the Medicine’ (Lang leve het Geneesmiddel) and CSO of Ferring Pharmaceuticals in Shanghai. The topic of his lecture was “Pharmaceutical Companies: Creative Innovators or Crooked Moneymakers?” and was …