#12 Researching Stem Cells and Women in Science

Fons Klein TuenteLife Sciences & Health, Podcast Leave a Comment

My guest today is Professor Gu Ying, she works at BGI in Shenzhen, China. She is Deputy Director at BGI-Research, China. She has a background in Oncology and Biotechnology and a PhD in Molecular and Developmental Biology.  In the second half of our episode, we have an open conversation about the position of women in academia in China, the opportunities …

Internationalisation of HE in Europe and Amsterdam 1984 2012

Netherlands Innovation Network ChinaUncategorized Leave a Comment

Internationalisation of HE in Europe and Amsterdam 1984 2012

Renewables to contribute half of China’s new power generation capacity growth by 2030

Netherlands Innovation Network ChinaEnergy Leave a Comment

More than half of China’s new power generation capacity growth by 2030 will be from renewable sources. By that time the installed renewable capacity will be equal to that of coal. Coal-fired power generation capacity will decrease from 67% in 2012 to 44% in 2030 though in absolute terms will continue to grow by 25GW/yr – still almost one-third of …

CAS supports 5 new centres of excellence for joint research with developing countries

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The Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) invested US$6.5 million over the next three years in five CAS-TWAS (The World Academy of Science) Centres of Excellence accommodated within institutes of CAS. The funding will support joint research projects to build scientific strength and drive innovation in the developing world. The TWAS is the international science academy that aims to promote scientific …

Start yourself up in Hong Kong!

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Invest Hong Kong, the Hong Kong government’s investment agency has launched the StartmeupHK Venture Programme 2013 and is inviting worldwide entrepreneurial applicants to submit proposals to partake in this programme. 12 Successful finalist entrepreneurs will be invited to attend a four-day programme in Hong Kong from 4-7 December. The target group are young companies which have generated some revenue and …

Hong Kong takes Asian lead in Global Innovation Index

Netherlands Innovation Network ChinaUncategorized Leave a Comment

Hong Kong has taken 1st place among Asian economies (and 7th worldwide) in this year’s Global Innovation Index (GGI). The Netherlands ranks 4th worldwide, up from last year’s 6th position. Mainland China is found further down the list, at 35 (or 8 in Asia), one lower than 2012 and six lower compared with 2011. Excerpt from the 2013 Global Innovation …

Call for Contributions Workshop in Beijing on e-Infrastructures for e-Sciences 2013

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The EU-funded CHAIN-REDS Project is organising a workshop on “e-Infrastructures for e-Sciences” focusing on Cloud Computing and Data Repositories in Beijing from October 17-22, 2013. This will be done under the aegis of the European Commission and in co-location with the International Conference on e-Science (IEEE) 2013. The international workshop organised by IHEP, INFN and Sigma Orionis will aim at: …

First Call for Applications for the Dragon-STAR Travel Grant Scheme

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The EU-funded Dragon-STAR project has launched a new Travel Grant Scheme to support European organizations to investigate the Chinese market and identify suitable partners for technological and/or research collaboration with China. The Scheme will consist of two components: Individual Vouchers: cover part of the traveling expenses of European organizations to visit Chinese counterparts to discuss technological and/or research collaboration and …

NWO and European Partners Announce Research Programme with NFSC on Green Economy and Population Change

Netherlands Innovation Network ChinaUncategorized Leave a Comment

After the preparatory workshops on Green Economy (Amsterdam) and Population Change (Shanghai), NWO preannounced a new multi-lateral research programme with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) on two basic societal challenges: Green Economy and Understanding Population Change. This unique multilateral collaboration with China is a joint effort of the research funding organisations of, France (ANR), Germany (DFG), The …

More Chinese Research Papers Published in Nature Journals

Netherlands Innovation Network ChinaUncategorized Leave a Comment

The Nature Publishing Index 2012 (NPI) China was released by Nature Asia last month. The NPI measures the output of research articles from nations and institutions in terms of publications in the 18 Nature-branded primary research journals in 2012. The index showed China’s growing importance in world science and listed 4 institutions in the world top 100. The total number …