Demographic and healthcare vulnerabilities driving health tech developments

Fons Klein TuenteLife Sciences & Health Leave a Comment

If current trends continue, by 2029 China’s population will peak at 1.44 billion, with dramatically imbalanced ratios of young to old (4 grandparents, 2 parents, 1 child) putting unprecedented pressure on younger generations. This dependency ratio (non-working: working people) is set to increase from 42% to 67% by 2050, by when a quarter of the Chinese population (350 million) will …

#5 The BugDrug Project

Fons Klein TuentePodcast Leave a Comment

A large number of patients do not respond well to commonly used drugs. Some patients even suffer from side effects. In Europe alone, about 3.5% of hospital admissions are related to side effects of medicines. Many patients are not treated properly because they do not respond or respond poorly to medicines. In this episode, I will talk to Professor Fu. …