Hydrogen Webinar: HyNed

Fons Klein TuenteEnergy, Sino-Dutch collaboration Leave a Comment

On Wednesday June 24 we had our third Hydrogen Webinar, hosting the government-backed HyNed cluster; five Dutch companies that together cover almost the full hydrogen supply chain. We talked about compression and storage, and applications for the transport and heavy industry. The episode started with an opening speech and introduction of the government’s role in promoting hydrogen mobility by Bart …

Hydrogen Webinar: Green H2 Production

Fons Klein TuenteEnergy, Sino-Dutch collaboration 2 Comments

Wednesday June 19 we hosted our second Hydrogen Webinar, covering green hydrogen production. Wei Dong ZHANG, Programme Director Energy & Environment Team at the UNDP, gave an opening speech and introduced the topic. Jörg Gigler, Managing Director at TKI New Gas, introduced several green hydrogen production projects that are currently conducted in the Netherlands. Hui ZHAO, Technical Director at Hypower, …

Hydrogen Webinar: experiences from the Dutch sector in China

Fons Klein TuenteEnergy, Sino-Dutch collaboration Leave a Comment

Wednesday June 10 was the kick-off of our Hydrogen Webinar Series and Michiel Bierkens, Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Guangzhou, welcomed the audience with an opening speech. Together with Noe van Hulst, Hydrogen Envoy at the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy of the Netherlands, we focussed on the policy of the Dutch government and …