China’s Vaccine Program and mRNA Technology

Fons Klein TuenteLife Sciences & Health Leave a Comment

Globally, a process of immunization has started. The first Covid-19 vaccines have been approved by national and regional medicinal drug supervisors such as the UK MHRA, US FDA, and the EU EMA (The Economist, 2020). The Netherlands does not have a big biotech/pharma company (anymore) and is therefore not a leading contender in vaccine production.  Traditionally, vaccines put (a part …

Vacancy: Innovation Officer at the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Shanghai, P.R. China

Fons Klein TuenteOther Leave a Comment

Job description: The Netherlands Innovation Network China is a government network focused on Innovation, Technology and Science in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Its main tasks are to support and stimulate knowledge-intensive collaboration between the Netherlands and China. This is accomplished by facilitating and promoting Sino-Dutch innovation, technology and science networks, and by reporting to Dutch and Chinese stakeholders about new …