Hydrogen fuel cell application will play a major role in the energy transition in both the Netherlands and China and is part of the national economic strategy of both countries.
The Netherlands is the second largest hydrogen producer in Europe. This is currently mostly so-called grey hydrogen, produced via steam-methane reforming (SMR) of natural gas, or produced as by-product from chemical processes. However, with the increased offshore renewable energy capacity and its "unique starting position" in the national gas infrastructure grid, the Netherlands want to become a world leader in the production and use of green hydrogen.
As part of developing a green hydrogen economy, the government supports international collaboration of Dutch hydrogen public and private parties. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency, a government agency with access to a global network of embassies, established a Partners for International Business (PIB) partnership on Hydrogen, called HyNed. The HyNed PIB comprises of a three-year action plan for China and involves four Dutch companies and one Dutch university .
The objectives of the PIB HyNed China are as follow:
作为发展绿氢经济的一部分,荷兰政府支持氢能产业的公私国际合作。 荷兰企业局(RVO)与全球的荷兰驻外使领馆网络拥有直接的联络渠道,特别建立了一个致力于发展国际间氢能合作的联盟,称为“氢能国际商业合作伙伴Partners for International Business (PIB) on Hydrogen”,简称PIB HyNed。PIB HyNed的成员由四家荷兰企业以及一所大学组成,将为促成中荷合作制定为期三年的行动计划。
PIB HyNed在中国的目标包括:
Bilateral business dialogues
To introduce Dutch hydrogen fuel cell technologies and establish bilateral business dialogues with potential Chinese partners.
Introduce Dutch FC industry
To establish the reputation of the Dutch fuel cell industry in the Chinese market.
G2G collaboration
To strengthen intergovernmental cooperation between China and the Netherlands, to drive innovation in the hydrogen sector further, from production to application.
氢和应用等领域,资历雄厚。服务项目主要包括:提供类别齐全的氢能研发和检测设备,无论是认证前测试还是正 式测试都可提供全套设备。供氢系统,基础设施审查。主要部件,器材和系统的欧盟标准以及国际标准认证。在氢气应用领域提供全方位的咨询服务。为氢能领域的人才,政府机构以及基础设施和应用方面提供培 训和资格认证。KIWA 公司欢迎需要测试,检验,认证和咨询的合作伙伴。从初创公司到成熟的制造商, KIWA都是您高效与可靠的服务伙伴。