A public-private collaboration

Hydrogen fuel cell application will play a major role in the energy transition in both the Netherlands and China and is part of the national economic strategy of both countries.

The Netherlands is the second largest hydrogen producer in Europe. This is currently mostly so-called grey hydrogen, produced via steam-methane reforming (SMR) of natural gas, or produced as by-product from chemical processes. However, with the increased offshore renewable energy capacity and its "unique starting position" in the national gas infrastructure grid, the Netherlands want to become a world leader in the production and use of green hydrogen.



As part of developing a green hydrogen economy, the government supports international collaboration of Dutch hydrogen public and private parties. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency, a government agency with access to a global network of embassies, established a Partners for International Business (PIB) partnership on Hydrogen, called HyNed. The HyNed PIB comprises of a three-year action plan for China and involves four Dutch companies and one Dutch university .

The objectives of the PIB HyNed China are as follow:

作为发展绿氢经济的一部分,荷兰政府支持氢能产业的公私国际合作。 荷兰企业局(RVO)与全球的荷兰驻外使领馆网络拥有直接的联络渠道,特别建立了一个致力于发展国际间氢能合作的联盟,称为“氢能国际商业合作伙伴Partners for International Business (PIB) on Hydrogen”,简称PIB HyNed。PIB HyNed的成员由四家荷兰企业以及一所大学组成,将为促成中荷合作制定为期三年的行动计划。

PIB HyNed在中国的目标包括:

  • Bilateral business dialogues

    To introduce Dutch hydrogen fuel cell technologies and establish bilateral business dialogues with potential Chinese partners.

  • Introduce Dutch FC industry

    To establish the reputation of the Dutch fuel cell industry in the Chinese market. 

  • G2G collaboration

    To strengthen intergovernmental cooperation between China and the Netherlands, to drive innovation in the hydrogen sector further, from production to application.

  • 双边商业对话


  • 介绍荷兰燃料电池产业


  • 政府间合作



HyNed Logo
HyNed is the first Dutch hydrogen fuel cell network supported by RVO exclusively for the Chinese market. HyNed distinguishes itself through the joint efforts of the entire supply chain of hydrogen application technologies, which grant the potential customer a possibility of full overview of the Dutch hydrogen cluster. Each of the members has a specific and unique knowhow and products in the total supply chain of hydrogen production/distribution, compression, fuel cell stacks, fuel cell system development/integration, fuel cell innovation, hydrogen regulations /certification. Our mission is to introduce Dutch hydrogen fuel cell technologies and establish bilateral business dialogues with potential Chinese partners. Together, we can explore how we can utilise hydrogen technology in building resilient infrastructure, creating economic opportunities through cooperation between companies and research institutions, thereby fuelling innovation even further (SDG 9).

HyMove is manufacturer of hydrogen fuel cell systems to be integrated as plug & play modules in heavy duty electric vehicles like buses, trucks and ships. HyMove manufactures top quality hydrogen fuel cell systems for use as range extenders, which are sizable and can add an extra 100 to 500 km to the range of an electrical (city) bus. HyMove H2FC systems meet industrial standards regarding quality, durability and fitness for purpose and are automotive certified. HyMove takes care of the design, configuration, engineering, production, integration and interfacing. HyMove is the only full integrated H2 fuel cell power generators supplier the Netherlands, and one of the most experienced supplier in heavy duty application in Europe.
HyMove是氢燃料电池系统的制造商,该系统可作为即插即用模块集成应用在公共汽车、卡车和轮船等重型电动交通工具上。HyMove生产的高质量氢燃料电池系统可作为续航设备。该系统的容量可为(城市)电动公交车增加100 - 500公里的续航里程。HyMove H2FC系统在质量、耐久性和适用性方面符合工业标准,并通过了车辆检测中心的认证。HyMove负责设计、配置、工程、生产、集成和接口等工作。HyMove 公司为荷兰唯一提供整体集成式氢燃料电池驱动系统供应商,也是欧洲重型商用车辆应用领域最有经验的供应商之一。

Nedstack, founded in 1999, is a manufacturer of fuel cell stacks, supplier to system integrators and serving world-wide markets. NedStack fuel cell solutions have operated in the field for more than 20,000 hours and include the world's longest-running fuel cell power plant, at Delfzijl. We focus on telecom power supply grid equipment back-up, transport and industrial CHP. The stacks can withstand extreme weather conditions. Projects with Nedstack fuel cell stacks: 70kW PEM power plant from Akzo Nobel in Delfzijl, 1MWe PEM power plant in Belgium, 2 MWe power plant in China. Nedstack is a leading player in the PEM fuel cell industry with a strategic focus and unique track-record on the high power and mission critical domain. Nedstack enables the hydrogen economy by developing, realizing, verifying, applying and servicing PEM fuel cell solutions. Nedstack products and services are superior in quality, durability, safety and reliability and are cost competitive. Nedstack has dedicated application teams for partners in Industry, Maritime, Built Environment and Off-grid Power markets. 
Nedstack(荷兰氢电)成立于1999年,是一家服务于全球市场的燃料电池堆制造商、系统集成的供应商。该企业经测试过的电堆使用寿命超过23000小时,为位于荷兰德尔夫齐尔的阿克苏诺贝尔公司提供了全球运行时间最长的燃料电池发电设施。产品专注于为电信电网提供备用供电系统、运输行业供电和工业热电联产等。所生产的电池堆可以承受极端的天气条件。合作项目包括:阿克苏诺贝尔公司在Delfzijl的70KW质子交换膜PEM燃料电池发电厂;比利时的1MW PEM电厂;位于中国的2MWe电厂等。Nedstack是PEM燃料电池行业的领导者,在产品高功率和稳定性方面保持着良好的口碑。Nedstack的业务范围包括燃料电池研发,制造,验证,应用和维修。产品具有高质量,长寿命,安全可靠和价格具有竞争力的特点。针对制造业,船用,工程建筑和离网电源等不同市场,分别提供专业团队服务。

HyET Hydrogen B.V. is a high-tech SME that develops and markets an electrochemical hydrogen purifier and compressor (EHP/EHC). HyET developed electrochemical hydrogen compression that enables the compression of hydrogen to 1000 bar over a single stage. The purification is done simultaneously with the compression process. The compressor has no moving parts, makes no noise and is vibration free, which lowers the cost compared to equivalent mechanical compressors. The breakthrough technology developed by HyET enables reliable and low-cost purification and compression of hydrogen in a single device up to ISO standards without the use of rotating or reciprocating equipment.   
HyET Hydrogen B.V.是一家高科技中小企业,致力于开发和销售电化学氢净化器和压缩机(EHP / EHC)。 HyET开发了一种电化学氢压缩技术,可在单位阶段内将氢压缩至1000bar,净化与压缩过程同时进行。 该压缩机无运动部件,无噪音,无振动,与同类等效机械压缩机相比成本更低。HyET 开发的突破性技术可以在不使用旋转或往复式设备的情况下,在单个设备中达到ISO标准的压缩氢气。 实现净化压缩同步,高效和低成本的目标。

Kiwa is a testing, inspecting and certifying company. They provide quality, safety, environmental and personal competencies support for the entire automotive, transport and mobility sector – from vehicle alarm systems to ship wall conditions. With their services, the client can ensure its fleet and equipment are safe and in a good condition, whether used on roads, rails, waterways at airports, harbours or elsewhere in this internationally-oriented and rapidly developing market. We invite companies who need testing, inspecting, certification and consultancy to work with us. From companies who are still in a development phase to established product manufacturers, KIWA is able to provide their services.

氢和应用等领域,资历雄厚。服务项目主要包括:提供类别齐全的氢能研发和检测设备,无论是认证前测试还是正 式测试都可提供全套设备。供氢系统,基础设施审查。主要部件,器材和系统的欧盟标准以及国际标准认证。在氢气应用领域提供全方位的咨询服务。为氢能领域的人才,政府机构以及基础设施和应用方面提供培 训和资格认证。KIWA 公司欢迎需要测试,检验,认证和咨询的合作伙伴。从初创公司到成熟的制造商, KIWA都是您高效与可靠的服务伙伴。

HAN University
HAN University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem is one of the five largest universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands. HAN offers high-quality, practice-based education to more than 30,000 students. HAN’s centres of expertise provide tailored research to companies and institutions. And HAN has established many partnerships with universities, global companies, research centres and institutions all over the world. HAN is setting up a shared facility hydrogen lab for applied hydrogen technology research and development. The HAN Master Program ‘Engineering Systems – Sustainable Energy’ likes to welcome Chinese students.
汉恩应用科学大学位于阿纳姆,是荷兰最大的5所应用科学大学之一。汉恩也是荷兰首家特别为新能源应用提供工程硕士课程的大学,此课程面对全球招生。英文授课的课程方向包括: 汽车系统、控制系统、可再生能源、嵌入式操作系统和精细化工程管理。同时为全球科研机构、企业和院校提供专项研究。汉恩正在建立一个共享设施的氢实验室,用于氢技术应用的研究和开发。
The presentations were part of a webinar organized by the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Guangzhou and the Netherlands Innovation Network. The full webinar, including Q&A, can be reviewed here.
Get in touch
If you want to get in touch with the HyNed companies or representative, or have other questions or suggestions, please contact Marita Mitrovic from the Netherlands Innovation Network at [email protected] or +86 2122 087 225.

如果您想与HyNed公司联系或有其他疑问或建议,请通过[email protected]或+86 180 1932 7805与HyNed中国代表刘洋联系。

如果您想与HyNed公司联系或有其他疑问或建议,请通过[email protected]或+31 (0)6 15157246与HyNed荷兰代表潘恩联系。
