For PhD, post-doc's and professors in China who are Dutch
or have academic experience in the Netherlands
For people in academia
The Netherlands Science Network (NSN) in China is a network uniting those who have a Dutch or Chinese background and have a professional career in the academia in the other, or both countries.
Being a scientist is not always an easy task, especially if you work internationally. Increasing competitiveness, cultural differences and difficulties getting the right information on new funding schemes and practical matters are issues on which we try to support our members.
Through this network you will have a chance to establish a network of peers and learn from each other's experiences. We will inform you regularly on relevant changes in policies, new joint calls and invite you for offline big and small events.
In 2021 we will start organizing our yearly event in collaboration with other EU Science Networks, led by EURAXESS. Register below for our network and you will receive more information on this event that will be held in April 2021.
For people in industry
Next to scientists, the Netherlands Science Network (NSN) in China also welcomes engineers, economists, public health specialists, and all other experts who have conducted research in the past in the foreign country.
- Are you a Chinese citizen and have you finished a PhD or higher in the Netherlands?
- Are you a Dutch citizen and have you finished a PhD or higher in China (and currently working in China)?
Then you are welcome to join our network to meet fellow members and establish a network of peers. By becoming a member you will also become part of the network of the Consulate of the Netherlands in Shanghai. We will host events regularly in which we will visit relevant companies or institutes together with a networking event. Register below and you will receive invitations that are suitable for your situation.
Some of our past activities..

2020 NL Science Network Hybrid event
More information..

2019 NL Science Network Conference
More information..