Netherlands has one of the world’s highest usage rates of recycled concrete. Up to 95% of end-of-life concrete is recycled.
Most recycled concrete ends up in road base in the Netherlands, using regular crushing. However, through innovations at companies, universities and in joint European research projects, advanced technologies are now becoming available. There are many showcases of fully recycled concrete being used in new buildings.
Becoming truly sustainable in our treatment of construction waste and construction of new buildings requires a broader view. There are also many innovations in terms of waste treatment, services, and biobased building materials that can help achieve a more sustainable future.
China is also making huge efforts to modernize green building and construction waste treatment. In this webinar, a number of Dutch organizations will present themselves that are eager to look for collaboration.
The webinar is supported by Xuzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau and the other relevant units of Xuzhou “Zero Waste Pilot City” project, Jiangsu Association of Circular Economy, Nanjing Construction Waste Recycling Association, Nanjing Concrete Association, Shanghai Urban Construction Materials Co., Ltd., Igreenbuy and the other related organizations.
14:45-15:00 |
会议注册 |
15:00-15:05 |
欧雅琳 女士 |
15:05-15:20 |
高玉梅 女士 构建建筑垃圾高效处理系统,促进城市绿色发展 |
15:20-15:35 |
华苏东 教授 建筑垃圾高效处置和高值化利用 |
15:35-15:50 |
贾思良 先生 建筑废弃物资源化利用现状分析与展望 |
15:50-16:50 |
16:50-17:30 |
发言嘉宾在线问答 |
Event Rundown
Tuesday 1 September, 15:00-17:30 CN time, 09:00-11:30 NL time
14:45-15:00 |
registration |
15:00-15:05 |
Ms.Onny Jalink |
15:05-15:20 |
Ms. GAO Yumei, Class-III Researcher Establishing Efficient Construction Waste Treatment System to Promote Urban Green Development – Experiences Sharing on “Zero Waste Pilot City” of Xuzhou |
15:20-15:35 |
Professor HUA Sudong Secretary General of Solid Waste Sub-Committee of Jiangsu Provincial Circular Economy Association |
15:35-15:50 |
Mr. JIA Siliang Status Analysis and Prospect of Resource Utilization of Construction Waste in Shanghai |
15:50-16:50 |
16:50-17:30 |
Online Q&A |
Register 会议注册
You will receive an e-mail 24 hours before the start of the webinar with a link to login.
2019年,徐州被环保部推选为11+5个“无废城市”试点城市之一。该试点计划的目的是统筹经济社会发展中的固体废物管理,大力推进源头减量、资源化利用和无害化处置,坚决遏制非法转移倾倒,探索建立量化指标体系,系统总结试点经验,形成可复制、可推广的建设模式。并在试点城市范围内大力发展循环经济。该试点计划完成后, 其结果将用于指导及推广至更广泛的地区开展无废城市建设。
华苏东 教授 / 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院
美国Iowa State University and University of Oklahoma访问学者
贾思良 先生
绿智汇 -- 绿色建材产业链服务平台首席执行官
艾尔科瑞特欧洲公司总部位于奥登扎尔(荷兰),致力于运营和装备制造,中东以及东南亚设有销售办公室。艾尔柯瑞特欧洲公司于2019年9月在中国上海成立 艾尔柯瑞特(中国)有限公司,致力于更好的为中国以及亚洲客户助力。
Martin de Jong教授
Martin de Jong教授是鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学旗舰研究项目“包容性繁荣动态研究”的科学主管。这一研究项目由伊拉斯姆斯法学院、鹿特丹管理学院、伊拉斯姆斯哲学院共同发起,致力于研究治理与管理领域中弱势或欠充分代表利益相关方的包容性参与,并在此主题下开展广泛的社会与政治辩论。
Martin de Jong教授还任教于伊拉斯姆斯法学院和鹿特丹管理学院,并担任上海复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院兼职教授。Martin de Jong教授在公共政策、决策、城市研究、基建开发、跨文化管理领域拥有25年国际教研及创业经验。他希望能够在荷兰兰斯塔德城市集群区域通过知识传播开展因地制宜的合作及活动,并同时通过与全球顶尖学府建立合作伙伴关系,进一步加强该地区在全球层面的活跃度。
FiberCore Europe
自2007年以来,FiberCore Europe公司已在全球范围内修建了1000多座桥梁。桥梁建造中使用的纤维增强复合材料(FRP)是由公司率先研发,目前已发展成为广受认可的建筑材料。公司生产的FRP产品不仅在众多方面采用可持续性设计,更具备体量轻、使用寿命长的特性。
FiberCore Europe将独有的InfraCore®Inside技术创新地应用到FRP生产中。这一技术最初来源于航空领域。由于没有采用夹层结构,因此不会产生分层。玻璃纤维织物制成的梁体通过三点弯曲方式承重。玻璃纤维织物箱体板则用作桥梁法兰,通过腹板连接。
FiberCore Europe致力于建造轻型桥及河闸、即装即用桥梁(安装用时不足一小时),以及复杂混合式桥梁结构。FiberCore Europe现推出桥接器销售业务,授权当地厂商使用相关技术,还可进行研发合作以打造纤维和树脂等更多种类的生物基材料。
Green Basilisk
Green Basilisk开发了一系列独创产品,实现自愈合混凝土的现实应用。自愈合混凝土技术利用可生产石灰石的细菌,以期对混凝土开裂部分进行自动修复,从而大大提升混凝土结构的耐久性。Green Basilisk所研发的自愈合技术已应用于多款产品,并在新建和已建成建筑中都得到了实际使用。目前,我们的技术能够修补1mm宽的裂缝。但我们仍在积极推进更新技术的研发。
自愈合混凝土技术是我们与荷兰代尔夫特理工大学共同研发,并获专利注册。在自愈合混凝土试验取得成功后,此项技术便引起了业内市场的浓厚兴趣。于是在此基础上,便成立了Green Basilisk。自成立以来,我们与全球混凝土行业知名企业机构携手,积极推进自愈型混凝土技术在不同领域的应用。如今已实现技术的大规模广泛引入。
ICE的母公司Dieseko集团是一家跨国公司,1974年在荷兰成立。 公司致力于开发、生产、销售和经销地基工业的产品。所有Dieseko工厂生产的产品从质量、价格和售后服务等各个方面都尽力满足全球市场需求。 Dieseko集团的总部位于荷兰的斯利德雷赫特,在荷兰、新加坡和中国,都提供装备精良的设备、产品彻底检查和维修服务。ICE 振动锤和动力站由高科技数控机床和检测设备进行严格的生产和检测,确保设备以质量出厂。
上海艾西伊建筑设备贸易有限公司成立于2011年, 由 Arjen van der Schoot (艾严) 先生领导服务中国市场。上海艾西伊运营着中国市场的液压振动锤租赁车队。对于畅销的振动锤型号,艾西伊始终保持一定库存,以便迅速将打桩设备发给客户。 我们的设备全部进口自荷兰Dieseko集团。我们的使命是引进深基础方法以减少环境影响, 提高工作效率, 并帮助我们的客户经营一个打破价格竞争能赚钱的企业。我们的成功是通过挑战市场以先进的技术和高可靠性的ICE产品来实现这三目标而得到保证的。
Respyre开发了一种新型的生物接纳型混凝土(bio-receptive concrete)产品,并获得了相关专利。该产品在应用于现有建筑结构时,可促进苔藓的自发生长。在增强苔藓有益生态系统的同时,更可保护基础结构免受风化,有效延长建筑寿命。同时,我们还在打造一种应用简单、经济高效、维护成本低的成品产品。
- 去除水和空气中的污染物(PM10、挥发性有机化合物、氮氧化物、氨);
- 暴雨后帮助吸收并留存雨水;
- 通过水蒸发(减少热应力)和反照率增加,促进空气和建筑冷却;
- 通过密集的苔藓叶吸收声音,从而降低噪音;
- 混凝土表面美化(涂鸦画效果);
- 为原本裸露的混凝土表面增加生物多样性;
- 为昆虫提供生存环境(栖息地),从而进一步增加生物多样性;
- 将二氧化碳转化为氧气和生物质;以及
- 产生的生物质可作为生产新产品所需的潜在可再生资源。
Theo Pouw
Theo Pouw集团是一家家族企业。成立近四十年来,我们一直是土木工程和混凝土建筑领域的佼佼者。集团采取一站式运行模式,为客户提供建筑行业的产品和服务。从主要和次要建材到集装箱运输,从起重机租赁到拆除工程,从土方工程到土壤修复,集团均有涉猎。Theo Pouw集团目前共设有12家分支机构,拥有530多名员工。由创始人Theo Pouw和创始人的儿子Alexander Pouw共同领导。我们可以快速高效地为您提供大量建材和混凝土。我们主要生产至少包含30%再生混凝土颗粒绿色混凝土产品。
自1981年创立以来,Theo Pouw集团便深信建筑材料绝对可以实现高品质循环再利用。基于此,我们将尽可能减少二氧化碳排放作为集团的使命。另外,我们还在生产中选用环保型起重机和挖土机,并致力于研发100%再生产品。自1988年以来,Theo Pouw集团就已通过筛分、冲洗和粉碎等手段将建筑和拆除过程中产生的碎屑加工成经认证的高品质碎石和沙粒替代品,用于道路建设或混凝土和沥青生产。我们不断研发新技术和产品,以提高可用材料的重复利用率。
Speakers & organizations introduction
City of Xuzhou
Xuzhou, located in Jiangsu province, is a city with a civilization of more than 5,000 years and a history of more than 2,600 years after its founding. The population in 2019 is registered as 10.45 million. As an important gateway city in East China, Xuzhou has become one of the national comprehensive transportation hubs. At the same time, Xuzhou is also an important node city of China's "One Belt One Road" initiative and an international new energy base.
In 2019, Xuzhou was selected by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment as one of the 11 (cities) + 5 (zones) "Zero Waste" pilot project cities. The purpose of the pilot project is to coordinate solid waste management in economic and social development; to strongly promote the reduction of waste at the source, resource utilization and harmless treatment; to resolutely prohibit illegal transferring and dumping; to explore a quantitative indicator system; to systematically summarize the pilot experience; and to form the reporducible and propagable model. And to develop circular economy in the pilot cities. After the pilot project ends in the coming years, its results will be used to guide expansion of the initiative.
Professor HUA Sudong
Materials Science and Engineering College of Nanjing University of Technology
Visiting scholar at Iowa State University and University of Oklahoma, USA
Mainly engaged in R&D for the utilization of inorganic solid waste (industrial by-product gypsum, metallurgical waste residue, industrial sludge and oilfield solid waste), soil solidification and stabilization materials, 3D printing building materials, cement concrete admixtures, new building materials and ecological environment materials.
Professor HUA also works as the Distinguished Expert of the recently established Nanjing Construction Waste Recycling Association, which is the first association in Jiangsu province dedicated to the recycling of construction waste.
The first batch of Association members consists of 55 companies and R&D institutes, covering the industrial chain in resource utilization such as demolition, transportation, processing, product, consumer, R&D and equipment manufacturing. The Association will strongly support and promote the cooperation of "Industry--Education--Research"; to accelerate the integration of the industrial chain and to enhance the comprehensive utilization of recycling.
Mr. JIA Siliang
CEO of Igreenbuy – Green Building Materials Industrial Chain Service Platform
IGreenbuy is a green building supply chain service platform, which covers key industrial supporting sectors: exhibition, promotion, certification, finance, transaction, incubation, etc. It is built by Shanghai Green Building Council(GBC), Urban Construction Material(SHMGC) and Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences(SRIBS). Real estate, constructors, design institutes and material suppliers can obtain appropriate services. Furthermore, IGreenbuy is designated as the only publishing platform by Shanghai identity management institution of GBC.
With decades of experience and sales in over 100 different AAC plants in 20 countries on 6 different continents, Aircrete Europe is the recognized global leading developer and manufacturer of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) machinery and technology for the production of AAC panels and blocks.
We design and deliver the most innovative turn-key AAC plants and cutting-edge plant technology around the world. Being the long-term, exclusive project partner for our customers, we guide you through all the steps of planning, building and operating your AAC factory. We are a full technology partner, not just a machine supplier, resulting in maximum value creation for our customers. Together we build your success!
Professor Martin de Jong
Erasmus University
Founded in 1913, Erasmus University is currently one the biggest universities of the Netherlands with a student population of 29,000 and a research community of circa 1,400. As part of a large global network of academic partnerships, in strategic alliance with Leiden University and Delft University of Technology and in a unique collaboration with city and port, the dynamic city of Rotterdam serves as our laboratory.
Prof. dr. Martin de Jong is Scientific Director of the Erasmus Initiative 'Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity', one of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) flagship research initiatives. It was jointly established by Erasmus School of Law (ESL), Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) and Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil) and aims to gain knowledge on the inclusion of weak or less-well represented stakeholders in governance and management. Along with the above position he is professor at both ESL and RSM and has a part-time professor position at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA) of Fudan University in Shanghai.
Delft University of Technology
Top education and research are at the heart of the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands. Our 8 faculties offer 16 bachelor's and more than 30 master's programmes. Our more than 25,000 students and 6,000 employees share a fascination for science, design and technology. TU Delft is the largest technical university in the Netherlands.
It is clear that with the current linear “take-make-dispose” economy, it is not possible to guarantee the ongoing quality of life to future generations. Therefore it is necessary to move towards an economic model that decouples economic growth from material input: The circular economy. Our research aims at developing a new methodology and metrics to measure circular economy and resource efficiency at at micro, meso and macro levels.
TU Delft is interested to work together on educational units, amongst others on construction and demolition waste recycling.
FiberCore Europe
Since 2007, FiberCore Europe has built over a thousand bridges worldwide. It builds these bridges using fiber reinforced polymers (FRP), which FiberCore Europe pioneered, but is recently becoming a widely accepted construction material. Our FRP products are sustainable in many ways CO2. They are lightweight and have a long lifespan.
FiberCore Europe’s unique InfraCore® Inside technology is distinctive in FRP, originally coming from the aerospace domain. It has no sandwich structure, so no delamination. The glass fiber fabric beam is loaded in three point bending. The glass fiber fabric box plate are flanges, connected by webs.
FiberCore Europe offers lightweight bridges and river locks. It also offers plug & play bridges (installation in less than an hour), and complex hybrid bridge constructions.
FiberCore Europe is interested to sell its bridges, or license the technology locally. There is also a possibility to work together on R&D for creating more components biobased, such as fibers and resin.
Green Basilisk
Basilisk has a number of unique products that enable Self-Healing Concrete. The technology is based on micro-organisms that produce limestone, as a result crack formation in concrete structures can be autonomously repaired. This way the durability of the concrete structure is greatly improved. The autonomous repair system is implemented in several products that are applicable for both new constructions and existing structures. Currently cracks up to 1 mm can be repaired, but the development goes on.
The technology was developed and patented in collaboration with the Delft University of Technology. After successful testing the interest from the (concrete) market grew strongly. The commercial establishment of Basilisk became a fact. For different applications Basilisk collaborates with renowned names in the international world of concrete. As a result, a broad introduction of the technology on a large scale is made possible.
ICE is your partner in the world of foundation equipment providing: vibratory hammers, power packs & Vibroflots.
We are your number one partner, for civil foundation works like bridges, docs, ports, harbours, wind farms, rail infrastructure and buildings.
- A complete range of foundation equipment
- A first class global dealer network
- An innovative customer oriented organisation
- The largest worldwide rental fleet
- A wide range of parts in stock
- Expertise and experience in offshore projects
- Geotechnical consulting
- Flexible financing solutions
- Trade-in of used hydraulic vibratory equipment
- 24-hours per day, 7 days per week service
- Professional training and commissioning on the job
We have developed and patented a new bio-receptive concrete product, which – when applied to existing structures – facilitates spontaneous growth of moss. While enhancing beneficial ecosystems of moss the underlying construction is protected against weathering, effectively extending its lifetime. We are working towards a final product that will be easy in application, cost-effective and low in maintenance.
Moss differs from other types of vegetation due to at least one important aspect: it absorbs most of its growth supporting nutrients via its dense leave system and not via its rhizome (root) system. Due to the high density of the leaves, moss is specifically good in absorbing and retaining water. In short, our product will theoretically be able to deliver the following ecosystem services that can be of major relevance to today’s challenges of the built environment:
- Removal of contaminants (PM10, VOCs, NOx, NH3) from water and air;
- Absorbing and retaining water after heavy rain showers;
- Cooling of air and buildings due to evaporation of water (reduce heat stress) and increased albedo;
- Noise reduction due to sound absorption by the dense leave system;
- Improving aesthetic appearance of (graffiti painted) concrete surfaces;
- Increasing biodiversity on otherwise bare concrete surfaces;
- Provide living environment (habitat) for insects thus further increasing biodiversity;
- Conversion of CO2 to oxygen and biomass; and
- Production of biomass possibly suitable as renewable resource for new products.
Pilot projects will be performed to validate these claims, after which commercialization of the product can be commenced. We are interest to work together on the pilot projects with you.
SmartCrusher BV has developed a CO2-free technology, and has developed a machine, that allows to free the gravel, sand, used- and non-activated-cement from concrete waste. In concrete about 50% of the cement did not react with water, so could still be reused. When producing 1 kg of (Portland) cement, 1 kg CO2 is emitted, so using the non-activated cement will offer a tremendous saving in CO2 emission.
The cement hydrate that the smart crusher produces is usable as a concrete mixture improver (filler), super activator for blast furnace cements (after dehydration at 400-500 °C), or even a CO2 free base material for Portland Cement without limestone.
The SmartCrusher not only makes it possible to create almost climate neutral new concrete from concrete waste. Right now, also the quality and economical aspects (even without calculating the tender benefits and tax advantages) of the SmartCrusher technologies are advantageous. Recycled concrete can be cheaper than new concrete.
Next to this, it is also very fast, and for example very well suited for 3D printing.
In addition to the existing SmartCrusher (crushing/milling) technology, additional technologies are under development that will make concrete completely 100% circular. Smart Crusher B.V. is developing a technology to upgrade the used-cement to a new binder, using electrical energy.
SmartCrusher is interested to sell its machines, or license the technology to a partner in China
Theo Pouw
For almost forty years, this family business has been a leader in civil engineering and concrete construction. The Theo Pouw Groep is a one stop shop with products and services for the building industry. From primary and secondary building materials to container transport, from crane rental to demolition work and from earthworks to soil remediation. The Theo Pouw Groep currently has 12 branches and more than 530 employees and is led by founder Theo Pouw and his son Alexander Pouw.
We can supply large quantities of building materials and concrete quickly and efficiently.
We produce mainly green concrete which consists of at least 30% recycled concrete granulate.
Since 1988, at the Theo Pouw Groep, construction and demolition debris is processed
into high-quality and certified gravel and sand replacements by means of sieving, washing and crushing. These gravels and sand replacements are applied in road construction or in the concrete and asphalt industry. We continually investigate new techniques and products to improve the useful reuse.
In earthworks and road building, the granulates are used as road paving for roads and cycle paths, or as aggregate in the asphalt industry. It is furthermore used as paving material in hydraulic engineering. In concrete construction, the granulate is used in the production of recycle-concrete. We recycle concrete debris to 98% reusable concrete granulate with which an almost concrete cycle is achieved.