China recovered relatively quickly from the COVID crisis due to an immediate lockdown and strict testing policy. Therefore Dutch companies in the Shanghai region were able to quickly go back to business as well. Therefore, on November 3 we continued hosting our quarterly meeting of DIMA, a network of 60 Dutch companies active in manufacturing / R&D in the Shanghai region. During our last event we addressed the topic of Data Management and this year we focused on Human Resources. The impact of COVID-19 and new Chinese regulations were important topics to discuss among the members.
Concurrently to our DIMA meeting, the meeting of the Netherlands Science Network was hosted. This network consists of Dutch researchers working at a Chinese university, or Chinese researchers that are linked to a Dutch university. In contrast to the offline events of previous years, this year’s event was hybrid as many scientists are still outside of China and face issues traveling back. At the end of both events, the offline participants mixed for an industry-academia networking session.