Sustainable Agricultural and Food Technologies; Sino-Dutch Cooperation

Fons Klein TuenteAgri-food Leave a Comment

Food supply chains, security, renewable energy, mobility and the climate. These are among the challenges China needs to tackle now and in the future. The complexity of these challenges leads to many solutions being found in cross-overs between technology and collaboration.

Minister for Agriculture Martijn van Dam

Minister for Agriculture Martijn van Dam, who leads the innovation missions during the CSITF, mentions that “both our economies are changing. From quantity to quality, leaning more and more towards sustainability. That makes us want to look past our borders and see what we can learn from each other. I think there are many ways in which we can inspire each other to find answers for the big questions of our future generations.”

In order to meet its challenges for instance on agriculture, the Chinese Ministry for Agriculture is pushing forward a strategic policy promoting technological development and quality improvement. This leads to an increasing interest from Chinese counterparts in the field of agricultural optimization and automation technologies. Agricultural research and development is a strength of the Netherlands and this creates many opportunities for Sino-Dutch collaboration; both academically and commercially.

Besides promoting business opportunities, the missions during the CSITF aim to further collaboration in the field of agricultural technologies among governments, knowledge institutions and industries. As Minister Van Dam expresses: “Let us meet each other in finding solutions for the global challenges we have. Let us discuss, enlighten each other and see how we can help each other move forward to a smart, healthy, sustainable future. We focus on building long-term cooperation to the benefit of our both countries.”

Forums and seminar

A well-visited seminar on “Sustainable Agricultural and Food Technologies: Experiences in the Netherlands and China” was organized by the Holland Innovation Network of the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Shanghai on April 21 from 9:30-12:00 at CSITF.  A report will follow soon.


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