Webinar on IP protection for ICT businesses in China

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On Thursday January 17th, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM CET, the China IPR SME helpdesk is organizing a webinar on Intellectual Property Protection in China for European ICT Businesses. The webinar addresses the practical steps necessary to protect and enforce IPR in China, including:” How to register your intellectual property as patents, trade marks and copyright IP issues in China …

Dutch Professor Runner-up in Peking University Young Teachers Competition

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Dutch professor Thijs Kouwenhoven is the first foreigner to ever win a prize at the Peking University Young Teachers Competition. At the twelfth edition of this Young Teachers Competition, he won the second prize for Science and Engineering. Thijs Kouwenhoven is a Bairen Research Professor from the Netherlands at the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University (KIAA-PKU). …

China’s Ministry of Education improves research project management

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last week China’s Ministry of Education issued an Administrative Note, aiming at improving Chinese university’s research project management. According to the note, a profound research project management system should be strengthened in each university that carries out research projects, under which the university, relevant departments involved in research management and individual research team leaders are all held responsible for high …

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) forms alliance with 17 academies

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The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the country’s top research institution, formed an alliance with 17 provincial academies of sciences to share resources and improve innovation. Through the alliance, the provincial institutions can take part in nationwide or regional research programs and contribute their expertise, CAS President Bai Chunli said at the founding ceremony. The state and provincial institutions will …

Chinese vaccine development

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Vaccine development is a focus area of the Chinese government and industry. In August 2012, a HIV vaccine developed by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and National Vaccine & Serum Institute (under China National Biotec Group and China National Pharmaceutical Group) entered phase II clinical trial in Beijing YouAn Hospital. It is the first vaccine using replicative …

China at tipping point implementing ‘real’ Smart Grids

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China successfully expanded and upgraded its electricity infrastructure in recent years. A strong domestic industrial base for transmission and distribution infrastructure equipment had been developed. The next step to make the grid ‘real smart’ and decentralized will be more difficult, according to a recent study of NOST China officer Dirk Jan Boudeling. With 7,3 billion USD in 2010, China is …

China tested its auto-driving car on highway

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China successfully tested its auto-driving car on a piece of highway between the city of Beijing and Tianjin last weekend. This 114 km journey took the self-driving vehicle 85 minutes at an average speed of 79 km per hour. The car is able to sense its environment through radar placed on top and cameras installed within and outside. With GPS …

BrainBridge – Philips, Zhejiang University, TU Eindhoven

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A little over a week ago Philips and TU Eindhoven came to Zhejiang University in Hangzhou for their annual board meeting of the Brain Bridge program. The ‘Brain Bridge’ (BB) Program has been initiated in November 2005 through a tri-party international cooperation among the European host (TU/e: Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands), Philips Research, and the return host (ZJU: …

9th International IP Forum held in Shanghai

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The theme of the forum held on 8 November was “Intellectual Property and Soft Power of Cities”. Following an important subject of the Chinese policy of the National Patent Development Strategy (2011 – 2020) which aims: “10 Model cities that can comprehensively utilize the patent system and have excellent intellectual property market environment” During the forum most attention was drawn …

China sets High-speed railway target

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China will have established a high-speed railway network covering almost all cities by 2015. The State Council issued a plan for building a comprehensive transportation network during the 2011-2015 period. According to the plan, construction of the high-speed railway network should be completed by the end of 2015, with a total operating length of more than 40,000 kilometers. China will …