Activities Holland Innovation Network China at CES Asia

Netherlands Innovation Network ChinaUncategorized Leave a Comment


Wednesday June 7 – Friday June 9


CES Asia Startup Park, Hall N4, Booths 4402, 4608 – 4614
Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC)
345 Longyang Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai
上海新国际博览中心, 中国上海浦东新区龙阳路2345号


Holland Innovation Pavilion & Startup Booths

The Consumer Electronics Show Asia 2017 (CES Asia,, will take place in Shanghai from June 7 until June 9. HighTechXL (, XNode ( and the Holland Innovation Network at the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Shanghai ( combine forces at the Holland Innovation Pavilion at the CES Asia Startup Park. In addition, 5 startups will present themselves in startup booths next to the Holland Innovation Pavilion.



The Holland Innovation Network will host/join several events during CES Asia:


Tuesday June 6, 19:00-22:00

“StartupGrind hosts Ben Bateman (Senior Director at Indiegogo),” including a workshop crowdfunding and pitches by Dutch startups LifeSense Group and Travis the Translator. @Co-working space NakedHub NJL, 5F 89 Taixing Road.



Wednesday June 7 13:30-14:30; Thursday June 8 12:00-13:00; Friday June 9 13:00-14:00

“Dutch Startup Showcase @CES Asia Startup Park”. Participating startups will pitch at the presentation stage next to the Holland Innovation Pavilion. On June 7 including welcome remarks by Mr. Taake Manning, Counsellor for Innovation, Technology and Science; Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Beijing.



Wednesday June 7, 19:00-22:00

“Sino-Dutch Networking Event: Accelerating Innovation & Startup Showcase”; a networking event organised at startup accelerator and co-working space XNode. @XNode Jing’an, 5F Overseas Chinese Mansion, 129 West Yan’an Road.



Holland Innovation Network, CES Asia Booth N4-4402

Holland Innovation Network is part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs that operates in multiple countries. This network aims to improve the innovation capabilities of the Netherlands by linking global and Dutch innovation networks. Focus areas for the organization are science, research, technology and innovation. Our office in Shanghai facilitates research, high-tech development and innovation cooperation between the Netherlands and China. We represent the innovative sectors in the Netherlands and inform stakeholders about Chinese developments, opportunities and business models.



HighTechXL; CES Asia Booth N4-4402

HighTechXL partners with corporations to drive an internal cultural change: from an ‘employee’ to a ‘leader’ mindset. We set the scene within any organization to innovate itself. We leverage the in-depth knowledge of an organization’s existing talent and empower employees to create new business opportunities, while co-working with external startups to quickly adopt a more agile and independent perspective.

HighTechXL 与企业合作共同推动企业文化的转变,即从“员工”到“领导”的思维方式的转变。我们在企业中创造条件使其实现自我创新;我们挖掘企业现有人力资源潜力并协助员工创造新的商业机会同时与外部初创企业合作,迅速找到更灵活、更独立的创新视角

XNode,; CES Asia Booth N4-4402

We incubate ideas and accelerate startups & entrepreneurs, connecting them to an international and local network of mentors, experts, partners, VCs, corporations and institutions. We provide workspace in strategic locations across Shanghai, where both local and foreign teams work together, share ideas as one community and create conditions of serendipity. We use all what we have learned and developed for startups to help corporates adapt before being disrupted, in a fast changing world. We bridge corporates to startups, transform their ideas to reality and raise their intrapreneurial mindset. We finally embed Academia and the Chinese government to this platform, creating and consolidating what we’d like to see in the very near future: a real ecosystem of Innovation.




DesignNest by Allocacoc; N4-4610

DesignNest is a crowdsourcing platform that supports product designers with funding but also beyond that. Once a project is funded on DesignNest, the DesignNest team will provide free support with manufacturing and distribution. DesignNest is a subsidiary from Allocacoc, which provides the support and resources through its DesignNest platform. We are all about the designers and their story, so go take a look and support their beautiful creations on our website!



LifeSense Group; N4-4609

Revolutionizing healthcare through wearable technology. LifeSense is born from the mission to empower people every day & revolutionize healthcare through wearable technology. Our first product, Carin provides a solution to one of the biggest unspoken problems women face throughout their lives: urinary incontinence. Rising to the top of a field of over 400 entries from more than 60 countries around the world, in February 2017, Carin was crowned as the best wearable healthcare product in the world at the Wearable Technologies Innovation World Cup in Munich. By winning this award LifeSense has transformed the largest unspoken problem into the largest spoken solution. Our international team is based in Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Tokyo (Japan) and San Francisco (USA). We are actively seeking €5 million in series A investment to become the fastest growing business (revenue based).  Carin is our first product on the market. The set of wearables is designed for women with who want better bladder control. Wear Carin to track, exercise and protect yourself.

用穿戴式技术革新医疗. LifeSense用穿戴式技术革新医疗护理,我们首推的产品Carin是帮助解决女性一生难以启口的问题之一:可以改善膀胱问题的得奖技术. 于2012至2015三年Carin的研发时间,总计超过100位的女性参与顾问,并于同时期申请了十三项的专利。我们的全球总部在荷兰恩荷芬,日本东京及美国旧金山, 公司的营业额增长已于2016年达到十倍, Carin 获得欧洲合格认证(CE)及美国联邦食品药品监督管理局(FDA)第二级许可. Carin 2017年的目标更上一层楼,我们积极的寻求五百万欧元的投资以成为营业额成长最快的欧洲企业。


Travis the Translator; N4-4608

Travis was founded in 2016 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The team consisting of 12 nationalities is led by entrepreneurs from Rotterdam (Netherlands), Boston / New York (USA), and Shenzhen (China). This international collaboration has had previous experience in shipping more than 10 million consumer devices. With the best integrated technology, easy user experience, and 80 in-built languages online and 20 offline, Travis is a unique device which lets you go global and speak local. Travis Team believes that a world without languages barriers is possible. But we can’t do it alone. We invite everyone to Join the Global Language Movement!

Travis是一个的国际化团队,总部位于“一带一路”终点,荷兰鹿特丹;领导层创客还来自纽约、波士顿和中国深圳,过往移动产品销量达到1000万件。在这个全球一体化的大时代,6500多种语言无疑在我们之间垒起了一道道沟通的高墙。Travis 翻译宝结合最尖端技术,提供最棒的用户体验以及线上80种,线下20种语言的自由翻译功能。 这款设备必将带领我们走向世界,讲当地话!然而,只有我们孤军奋战是很难做到的。因此,我们希望每个人都可以融入并参与语言全球化的进程!据悉Travis翻译宝将于这个秋季,在全球范围内发布,指导售价为199美元。目前限量的翻译宝产品将预留给提前预定者或参与众筹的捐赠者,这些产品将优先于2017年6月发货。您也可以登陆网站, 了解详情


Triple 3D; N4-4612/4614

Triple 3D is the Sino-Europe design platform originally founded in Amsterdam, which accelerates and facilitates the product design, product development process between fast growing Chinese manufacturing companies and creative European designers. We provide professional services of project management & product innovation development from the early stage product research, ideation, conceptualization all the way to later stage mass production. We are in partnership with more than 200 companies, industrial parks and have done many product development projects in the field of wearables, IOTs, consumer electronics, elderly people products, kids products, smart household and automotive interiors etc. With our Sino-Dutch design innovation platform and professional experiences, we aim to improve all kinds of company’s branding, product innovation quality through the notion of cross-broader design co-creation & intelligent manufacturing.

中欧设品,, 杭州设品网络科技有限公司是一家最早创立于荷兰阿姆斯特丹,拥有着丰富欧美设计资源,专注于工业设计,创新产品设计研发服务的公司。中欧设品致力于用专业的眼光,帮助各类新型制造型转型升级中的企业,提供企业品牌设计、产品创意实现、概念设计、产品开发的咨询服务和国际化项目管理服务。我们希望通过欧洲一流的设计师水平及专业的项目管理团队来开拓、提升甚至颠覆传统设计服务的局限性,更可靠且有效率地通过设计来升华和提升中国企业的产品附加值。目前中欧设品已经拥有一个近千名专业工业设计 产品设计师的社群平台, 已跟数百家创新类产品企业沟通交流接洽,已完成了几十余个设计项目。主要涉及的产品领域在智能硬件,智能家居,消费电力,可穿戴物联网,汽车,汽车内饰等产品细分领域。本公司对结合情景的创意设计,软硬件结合的智能化产品设计,以及企业品牌价值深度挖掘,都有着非常独到的经验和理解。中欧设品希望始终贯彻“欧洲设计,中国智造”的跨境协同创新的理念,为中国制造业转型升级,自主产品研发,品牌建设做贡献。


WeCare WC; N4-4611

WeCare WC is a pioneer in transforming public washrooms. Created under the premise that everyone deserves a clean space to refresh and relax, WeCare WC designs, supervises construction, and maintains fully serviced public restrooms with an emphasis on hygiene, intuitive design and quality brand partner products.Last December, the first functional showroom launched in Shanghai’s K11 Art Mall (Level B3). On March 26th, the first nursing room opened to public at Hongqiao International airport Terminal One.

WeCare WC是公共卫生间领域的先驱者。秉承着“每个人都值得拥有一个洁净的空间来放松自我”的理念, WeCare WC集设计, 工程监理以及后期维护等服务于一体。强调卫生, 简约直观的设计, 展示并使用各行业顶尖合作品牌的优质创新产品. 2016年12月,首个WeCare WC功能展厅在上海K11购物艺术中B3层落成, 首个母婴室于3月26日在上海虹桥国际机场T1航站楼对公众开放。






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