Dutch Innovators in Science & Technology 2013

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Last Friday evening 8 speakers gave outstanding performances at the Dutch Innovators in Science & Technology (DIST2013) event in Shanghai.

The evening was excellently moderated by Professor Mark Greeven of Zhejiang University.

If you couldn’t be there on Friday, this is what you missed out on:

Levien de Legé, ECN. ‘Real cheap solar energy’

Sander van Deventer, uniQure / Forbion. ‘A major therapeutic breakthrough’

Hugo Leijtens, Nexocial. ‘Social, mobile, cloud’

Kirvan Pierson, TomTom. ‘The connected car’

Abe Bonnema, ISIS Space. ‘Launch of nano satellites (live on phone)

Martijn Tideman, TNO Automotive Safety Solutions. ‘Automated vehicles’

Danny Wilms Floet, Teijin Aramid. ‘Carbon nanotube fibers’

Bas Lansdorp, Mars One. ‘Human settlement on Mars’


Fortunately for those who couldn’t be there; the presentations, photos and videos will be put online later.

We thank all the sponsors, volunteers and trainees for making this event a success. The event was part of Dutch Days Shanghai.

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