Dutch space delegation touches down in Beijing

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Beijing space

Last week Beijing played host to the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Over 3000 representatives from all over the world, including space agency heads and executives from industry and institutes, gathered for 64th edition of this yearly congress and industry exhibition. The Netherlands had a substantial presence at the IAC with a delegation led by the director of the Netherlands Space Office, Mr. Ger Nieuwpoort, and twelve companies and institutes. Among them established players such as Dutch Space, but also high-tech SMEs such Cosine and ISIS – Innovative Solutions in Space. The Dutch participants showcased their technology and expertise through technical sessions and exhibits.

Over the years the Holland Pavillion, organized by the Dutch industry association SpaceNed, has grown into a mainstay of the IAC exhibition. Ambassador Aart Jacobi was present at the opening of the Holland Pavillion on Monday September 23rd. Other activities jointly organized with the NOST team included a well attended reception for Dutch, Chinese and other international executives at the embassy, as well as a matchmaking session at the Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST).

More coverage of the IAC here and here.

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