The Netherlands Office of Science and Technology (NOST) in Shanghai and several Dutch E-commerce entrepreneurs set up an e-commerce platform. The first meeting took place on December 10, 2014, at the Consulate-General in Shanghai.

The aim of this first meeting was to openly discuss the need, goals, activities and structure of the platform. While details still have to be filled in, the platform members appreciated the benefits of working within a platform. The added value of actively communicating members, who share information, should be translated in a stronger position on the Dutch e-commerce sector in China. By stimulating technology development among the team members, mutual support in dealing with logistic and policy hurdles, and welcoming valuable new platform members, a stronger position is readily achieved.
The Netherlands Office for Science and Technology (NOST) will act as a moderator within the platform. We are very pleased with the dedication among the platform members and are looking forward to a strong collaboration as well as upcoming activities, such as webinars, seminars and exhibitions.