Alternative Proteins in China series

Fons Klein TuenteAgri-food Leave a Comment

Over the last few weeks the Netherlands Innovation Network China hosted, together with Foodvalley and Wageningen University, several activities in the field of alternative proteins. On March 31st a webinar was organized on Doing business in China, targeting Dutch businesses in the alternative protein industry who wish to expand their business activities to China. During this event we had presentations from

  • GFIC, the strategic partner of the Good Food Institute in China on the alternative protein landscape in China
  • PinDuoDuo, the largest agriculture-focused technology platform in China on consumer insights
  • Dentons Lawyers on novel food regulation
  • China Plant Based Food Alliance (CPBFA) on how to enter the Chinese market
  • RVO on funding opportunities from the Dutch government
  • The Vegetarian Butcher on experiences in the Chinese market

The webinar can be re-viewed here (not accessible from Mainland China):

One week later a few Dutch companies that participated in the webinar presented themselves during an online Roadshow. The Roadshow was a great success and attracted more than 150 Chinese organizations, covering ingredient suppliers, food designers, manufacturers, sales platforms, food associations, government officials, universities and more. The participating companies were

The Roadshow presentations can be viewed here and the event can be reviewed below and is only accessible for viewers in Mainland China:

The two events were followed with intimate round-table sessions between the Dutch businesses participating in the Roadshow and interested parties.

Would you like to get more information on this event, or would you like to get in touch with one of the companies? Please contact us at china (at) netherlandsinnovation (dot) nl.

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