Hong Kong in the Cloud

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Last week Cyberport, Hong Kong’s hub for ICT, was host to the Next Generation Information Technology and Standard Symposium, with a focus on cloud computing. Standardization, or rather, lack thereof, was one of the key issues as a potential roadblock to further development. Standardization is necessary to prevent vendor lock-in and ensure interoperability between clouds. Speakers and panelists from Beijing, …

Big data collaboration with BGI

Netherlands Innovation Network ChinaAgri-food Leave a Comment

Those who’ve read the earlier posts on the Dutch bio-informatics mission (1, 2) that was just concluded last week, may already know that an MoU was signed in Shanghai, with the Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology. On Friday 23rd of March, during the Shenzhen leg of the mission, an MoU was also signed with BGI. The Dutch partners in this …

Big Data, Big Difference

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The Netherlands Big Data Delegation visited Shanghai on Wednesday 21st of March, where NOST and the Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology (SCBIT) organized a successful seminar: “Big Data, Big Difference “. The focus of the seminar was put on the cross-over of bio-informatics application between green and red life sciences. Experts from both Chinese and Dutch sides gave presentations and …

Erasmus University and Renmin University intensify education and research exchange

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On 19 March, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR ) president Ms van der Meer Mohr and Renmin University Council President Cheng Tianquan signed an agreement on further exchange of students and faculty to support the internationalization goals of both universities. Prior to the signing the presidents exchanged views on the profile of the universities and acknowledged the great similarities on size …

Inside look on the Bio-Informatics Mission to China

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On occasion of the visit of the Big Data Bio-informatics delegation from the Netherlands, the Institute of Vegetables and Flower, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences has organized a workshop on “Challenges and future of Bioinformatics: sharing insights from the Dutch and Chinese perspective”. From both side, researchers from knowledge institutes as well as industry have presented their research works …

‘Big Data’ Bio-Informatics mission to China

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From the 17th of March a Bio-informatic mission from the Netherlands will go to China. A short summary on this mission. The introduction of genomics and novel insights in plant genetics and plant breeding resulted in quantum leaps, especially when it comes to breeding agricultural and vegetable crops. The development time of new and improved crop varieties has nowadays been …

Cloud computing symposium in Hong Kong

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On March 30, Cyberport, Hong Kong’s ICT hub, will play host to government, academic and industry experts in the field of cloud computing for the Next Generation Information Technology and Standard Symposium. Mainland China’s market for cloud computing services is expected to attain RMB 94.9 billion this year. As one of the seven strategic emerging industries, the government is pouring …

Sino-Dutch offshore wind seminar held

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On Monday 27 February a Sino-Dutch platform meeting in the field of offshore wind was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in China. During the platform meeting, Dutch and Chinese policy makers, companies and experts shared their views on the development of offshore wind. Opening speeches were given by the Dutch Ambassador Mr. Rudolf Bekink and the Deputy Director General of …

Zhongguancun: Silicon Valley in Beijing?

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China’s internet population is the largest in the world. On top of that the country is experiencing rapid economic growth. Those two aspects together with an abundance of highly skilled IT-graduates create opportunities for online entrepreneurship. Especially in the Zhongguancun area in Beijing many examples can be found of successful IT companies and startups. Having a good network, understanding the …

Opportunities for Dutch companies with expansion of Hong Kong Science Park

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Our colleagues from the Netherlands Consulate-General in Hong Kong report about the planned Phase Three expansion of the Hong Kong Science Park, which offers infrastructure and support facilities like shared laboratories for high-tech technology enterprises and talents. The park, operational since 2002, has developed into a hotspot for hi-tech in Hong Kong and will be expanded with more R&D offices, …