On the first day of the Offshore Wind China 2012 conference and exhibition, the Holland pavilion attracted many visitors. Several Dutch companies united by the ‘Holland Home of Wind Energy’ exporters association, showcase Dutch technology solutions for the Offshore Wind industry. The Chinese wind energy industry developed on a high pace last decade. China is in terms of installed wind …
Guangdong’s strategic emerging industries blueprint
Earlier this month the 11th Provincial Party Congress was held in Guangdong. This seems to be a good occasion to have a look at Guangdong province’s ‘Strategic Emerging Industries’ Development Plan in 12th Five Year Plan Period’. Although officially already released earlier this year, the plan previously did not receive any coverage on our website. Currently, Guangdong’s eight strategic emerging …
Erasmus Smart Port holds seminar in Hong Kong
On May 11th Erasmus Smart Port Rotterdam (ESPR) wrapped up a successful visit to China with a small seminar at the Hong Kong Polytechnical University. ESPR is a new multi-disciplinary institute for maritime and port-related studies of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Its ambition is to be recognized worldwide as a ‘thought leader’, and to do so by engaging in selective …
Intelligent Logistics Seminar boosts collaboration between Dutch and Chinese logistics parties
The earlier announced seminar on intelligent logistics held by NOST and Shanghai International Shipping Institute has successfully stimulated collaboration between the Dutch and Chinese logistic sector. Guests included corporate, government and knowledge institutes from both China and The Netherlands. The high number of interested parties for this specific field reflected the demand for a seminar which combines innovative applications in …
First Traditional Chinese Medicine to be sold in the EU
A Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine has been licensed for sale in the Netherlands, making it the first TCM drug to receive marketing authorization in a western market. Therefore a press conference was held on Wednesday the 18th of April in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. NOST China was there to give you report! The European Directive for …
Scientists at TU Delft succeeded for the first time in detecting a Majorana particle
Scientists at TU Delft’s Kavli Institute and the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM Foundation) have succeeded for the first time in detecting a Majorana particle. Prof.dr.ir. Leo Kouwenhoven and his team in the lab. Photo: Sam Rentmeester. In the 1930s, the Italian physicist Ettore Majorana deduced from quantum theory the possibility of the existence of a very special …
Hong Kong in the Cloud
Last week Cyberport, Hong Kong’s hub for ICT, was host to the Next Generation Information Technology and Standard Symposium, with a focus on cloud computing. Standardization, or rather, lack thereof, was one of the key issues as a potential roadblock to further development. Standardization is necessary to prevent vendor lock-in and ensure interoperability between clouds. Speakers and panelists from Beijing, …
Big data collaboration with BGI
Those who’ve read the earlier posts on the Dutch bio-informatics mission (1, 2) that was just concluded last week, may already know that an MoU was signed in Shanghai, with the Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology. On Friday 23rd of March, during the Shenzhen leg of the mission, an MoU was also signed with BGI. The Dutch partners in this …
Big Data, Big Difference
The Netherlands Big Data Delegation visited Shanghai on Wednesday 21st of March, where NOST and the Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology (SCBIT) organized a successful seminar: “Big Data, Big Difference “. The focus of the seminar was put on the cross-over of bio-informatics application between green and red life sciences. Experts from both Chinese and Dutch sides gave presentations and …
Inside look on the Bio-Informatics Mission to China
On occasion of the visit of the Big Data Bio-informatics delegation from the Netherlands, the Institute of Vegetables and Flower, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences has organized a workshop on “Challenges and future of Bioinformatics: sharing insights from the Dutch and Chinese perspective”. From both side, researchers from knowledge institutes as well as industry have presented their research works …