De Europese Commissie heeft onlangs een nieuwe visie op internationale onderzoekssamenwerking gepresenteerd, voor vergroening, digitalisering en een gezondere samenleving. De wereld wordt steeds complexer. Geopolitieke factoren en verschillen in sommige fundamentele waarden maken het moeilijker om succesvolle onderzoeks- en innovatiepartnerschappen aan te gaan. Desondanks blijft de boodschap dat excellent onderzoek alleen bereikt kan worden wanneer wereldwijd de knapste koppen samenwerken. …
#7 CHINA: Lab grown meat, a promising alternative
Nanjing leads China in Pushing cultured meat. In November 2019scientists from Nanjing Agricultural University created China’s first piece of cultured pork made of stem cells from the muscle tissue of pigs, a milestone in the industry. In this episode we will talk to Dr. Ding’s Shijie, associate professor at the Nanjing Agricultural University in China and CTO at a startup called …
Week 17: News Overview
China strives to secure a position as a global powerhouse in high-tech industries and is advancing at a fast pace. Chinese industries are not only getting closer to the technological frontier in conventional areas such as electronics, machinery, automobiles, high-speed railways and aviation, but also driving technological innovations in emerging areas such as new and renewable energy, advanced nuclear energy, next …
Energieverduurzaming in China
De Chinese overheid heeft aangekondigd dat China’s koolstofuitstoot zal pieken in 2030, waarna het zal dalen tot koolstofneutraliteit in 2060. De verduurzaming van de wereldwijde stroomproductie is een belangrijk onderdeel van het realiseren van de doelen die zijn vastgelegd in het Akkoord van Parijs. Hoe staat de voortgang van China’s vermindering van emissie uitstoot ervoor? In 2019 was China verantwoordelijk …
New calls under Horizon Europe for urgent research into coronavirus variants
The European Commission is mobilising €123 million and has launched four new calls under Horizon Europe, the new EU research and innovation programme, for urgent research into coronavirus variants. This first emergency funding under Horizon Europe, the successor of Horizon 2020, adds to a range of EU-funded research and innovation actions to fight the coronavirus and contributes to the overall …
Alternative Proteins in China series
Over the last few weeks the Netherlands Innovation Network China hosted, together with Foodvalley and Wageningen University, several activities in the field of alternative proteins. On March 31st a webinar was organized on Doing business in China, targeting Dutch businesses in the alternative protein industry who wish to expand their business activities to China. During this event we had presentations …
Demographic and healthcare vulnerabilities driving health tech developments
If current trends continue, by 2029 China’s population will peak at 1.44 billion, with dramatically imbalanced ratios of young to old (4 grandparents, 2 parents, 1 child) putting unprecedented pressure on younger generations. This dependency ratio (non-working: working people) is set to increase from 42% to 67% by 2050, by when a quarter of the Chinese population (350 million) will …
#5 The BugDrug Project
A large number of patients do not respond well to commonly used drugs. Some patients even suffer from side effects. In Europe alone, about 3.5% of hospital admissions are related to side effects of medicines. Many patients are not treated properly because they do not respond or respond poorly to medicines. In this episode, I will talk to Professor Fu. …
China’s Vaccine Program and mRNA Technology
Globally, a process of immunization has started. The first Covid-19 vaccines have been approved by national and regional medicinal drug supervisors such as the UK MHRA, US FDA, and the EU EMA (The Economist, 2020). The Netherlands does not have a big biotech/pharma company (anymore) and is therefore not a leading contender in vaccine production. Traditionally, vaccines put (a part …